At Phenomenati, cyber phenomena are our singular focus. As your virtual CISO, our mission is to bring to light and address the anomalous circumstances, events, and activity in your information infrastructure that pose significant Risk to your business.
Do you have a Vision for your Security Operations? Is it directly aligned with the Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery? Are there written Objectives you are expected to achieve? Have you documented what is in (and out of) the Scope of what you are expected to defend?
We will help you deliberately plan the growth of your Security Operations rather than simply react to it.
How do you assess the maturity or effectiveness of your current Security Operations? Where are your next major investments planned - staff, processes, enabling technologies? How will you measure the return on those investments? How do you communicate the maturity of your security program to stakeholders? We can help.
Have you identified the specific Risks to your business that may result from different types of cyber attacks? Every organization’s risk management and cyber security strategies should be driven by fundamental risk scenarios like these. We can help.
Risk is high. Decisions are complex.
Effective strategy demands informed, objective tradeoffs based on experience.
Our team can help you develop a practical way forward for securing your Organization.