These are a few examples of active client projects where Phenomenati is helping to realize a generational shift in information security for global scale organizations.
Contact us to discuss how you can leverage this expertise, enterprise discipline, strategy, design, and information security best practices to suit the specific needs of your own business.
A global VDaaS project...
Private, “community” cloud...
Serving 10s of 1000s of users, internationally distributed across…
Phenomenati is performing...
A Global Security Operations Center (gSOC) project...
Phenomenati is performing...
A systems (tools) integration project in an enterprise Security Operations Center (SOC)...
Phenomenati is performing...
Zero Trust Architecture evolution of a commercial SaaS offering.
A global SaaS offering…
Redesigning the system architecture to improve confidentiality (privacy) and integrity for end-users...
Phenomenati has performed/is performing...
Risk is high. Decisions are complex.
Effective strategy demands informed, objective tradeoffs based on experience.
Our team can help you develop a practical way forward for securing your Organization.