Do you have a Vision for your Security Operations? Is it directly aligned with the Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery? Are there written Objectives you are expected to achieve? Have you documented what is in (and out of) the Scope of what you are expected to defend? How do you set and manage Expectations for the performance of your team?
Phenomenati’s Cybersecurity Strategy services will help you set Expectations, and deliberately plan the growth of your Security Operations, rather than simply react to it.
Many Security Operations (SecOps) organizations are born out of necessity rather than deliberate design. Usually from humble beginnings in the Help Desk or Network Operations Center (NOC), tackling the occasional incident.
The days of isolated incident triage in the corner of the NOC are over. The threat today demands more discipline. The sheer volume, velocity, and variety of threat confronting businesses often results in a frenetic, chaotic evolution of an organization’s SecOps efforts.
The most successful SecOps teams are not simply cyber fire brigades. They are intentionally designed to support practical objectives, and built around a culture of continuous learning. Phenomenati’s Cybersecurity Strategy services were launched specifically to help organizations get in front of these challenges.
We work with our clients to layout a practical, executable strategy for deliberately managing the growth of their SecOps environment; guiding its evolution through each stage of its growth.
Risk is high. Decisions are complex.
Effective strategy demands informed, objective tradeoffs based on experience.
Our team can help you develop a practical way forward for securing your Organization.