Contemporary Cyber Defense and Security Operations deal with ever-evolving Cyber Conflict. Adversaries continuously morph themselves to adapt, and your Security Operations organization must maintain a similar agility.
Phenomenati’s Cybersecurity Design services can help you plan and guide the growth of your SecOps Organizations, Processes and supporting Systems.
There is no "one-size-fits-all" model for an optimal Security Operations organization. Several factors about the business and threat environments, even possibly international legal issues, need to be considered before deciding on an organizational design. And even that will need to evolve over time. But most organizations begin with traditional Tier 1 and Tier 2 roles:
Processes in Security Operations typically start off very informal (by necessity), but evolve and mature quickly as the organization confronts more frequent and more sophisticated attacks and compromises.
Our Cybersecurity Design services can help define a practical set of SecOps tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that will continue to evolve as your organization matures.
The majority of early-stage SecOps organizations define and organize themselves around the tools they collect and attempt to leverage. Most eventually arrive at a point where these disparate tools (their vendors) and the data they collect becomes unmanageable.
Our Cybersecurity Design services can help you develop a deliberate System Design that integrates your critical SecOps business systems.
Including planning and executing Technology Evaluations based on practical assessment criteria developed to capture the needs of your environment.
Risk is high. Decisions are complex.
Effective strategy demands informed, objective tradeoffs based on experience.
Our team can help you develop a practical way forward for securing your Organization.